Friday, September 7, 2007

Essential Questions Reflection: What kind of world is this? And, how should we live in it?

Essential Questions Reflection: What kind of world is this? And, how should we live in it?

The world is a happy place full of wonderful people. People who are nice to each other, peaceful, and caring. A place where there are no wars or any conflicts at all. A place where animals are happy where they live and birds sing happily in the trees. A place where plants flourish without the worry of being depleted. A place where everything can co-exist in total and complete harmony. A world that is perfect. That's how it is… in fairytales.
The real world is a place of wonderful people, yes, everyone is wonderful in their own ways but there always is something in a person, which prevents them from being perfectly perfect. Everyone begins as someone who is caring and peaceful. Remember the days when you were still in kindergarten? Where everyone learned the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you” and treated each other with kindness? It was where we all shared and helped each other out and everything was kept simple. Sometimes we would get jealous of others because of what color crayon they had and try to beat each other to be first in line. That would be all the drama. But as time passes, these seemingly unimportant feelings develop into unfortunate and undesirable qualities. Qualities such as: backstabbing and lying to be better than others, becoming jealous of each other, becoming vain and wanting to be prettier than each other. As we grow up, these may become more and more apparent in our societies, but in many different ways of course. Countries want more and more power. Whether it maybe land or resources, we all strive to have more than the other, to become more advanced than the other, to become better than the other. To do this, we have all sacrificed our environment, our animals, and our people. People are depleting the Amazon Rainforest for paper, killing poor innocent animals for fur, sacrificing people in unnecessary wars.
Maybe I’m just naïve and maybe I don't get everything and what’s going on, but I think that we should all live together better. Not better in a sense of a country wanted more power and money, but the type where there’s less fighting, more sharing, where people would get along more. A lot of Americans are becoming obese while a lot of other people in third world countries are still malnourished. Maybe we could share the food so everyone’s healthy. Maybe people could share the money and the power. Maybe if we shared, it would resolve other conflicts too. Although the people who “need” will have more, and the people who “want” will have less, they can be happy knowing that they helped someone in need. What’s better than that?

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