Monday, April 16, 2007

sonnet analysis

“Apprehension” Analysis

“Love is any number of emotions or experiences related to an intense feeling of deep affection or profound oneness.”

Love is something that is hard to understand. It is something that is full of twists and turns. Some of which are good and some of which are not so good. When you first love a person, you promise to care about them, understand them, and to always be by their side when they are feeling down. But a person can have feelings for you one day, and have them disappear into thin air the next. It can happen at any moment in time. When their feelings disappear, the love does too, along with everything else that came with it. Happiness and contentment are all replaced with feelings of regret, pain, hurt, and possibly hate.

While I was writing this sonnet, I was trying to imagine how I, myself would feel if I was in Helena’s position. How Demetrius had loved her, but left her for Hermia. He must have been a good man with many promises for a smart girl like Helena to like him. But the promises he made were shattered as he left her. She must have felt very hurt and shocked because the man that she loved had fallen out of love with her and in love with her best childhood friend, someone she trusted and believed in.
The crashing waves represent how sudden Demetrius’s words must have felt to Helena. This poem takes place at 12 o’ clock midnight. The moving boats are hard to see in the darkness but represent the dark things in the future that don't seem like they’re there, but in actuality are. Standing on the cliffs next to each other represents equality and how their love was equal. The ominous sea hints that something bad is about to happen. If Helena loved Demetrius as much as the book portrayed, she would have probably wanted to get married to Demetrius, but Demetrius probably said to wait, didn't ask her, or said “no”. This shows commitment problems and how he was probably afraid of the future. And while they were in that state, Demetrius meets Hermia and falls in love with her. I think that he is lucky that Helena wasn't very bitter about the end of their relationship, but it is quite unfortunate that Demetrius was the bitter one about it. I think if someone had the right to be, it should have been her, not him. It shouldn't have been weird for Helena to still like Demetrius because it was probably a sudden breakup, and she didn't accept the fact that Demetrius wasn't hers anymore yet. This poem portrays how sudden love can come and go, and how fatal love can be.

I think that if I were to be caught in a situation like this, I would feel very jealous, hurt, and not know what to do. It would feel as if my world would be collapsing, falling apart, and slowly ending because I am the type of girl that cares about these types of things. When something like this happened to my friend, I tried my best to comfort her and be by her side to listen to her. After that experience, I have been more careful in trying to not be caught in a situation like it. Love is a very fragile thing, but hearts are even more fragile, because they can shatter with only a couple of words or actions.

edited sonnet


Violent waves crashed against the sharp rocks,
Moving boats were at the harbor’s docks.
Stood on the cliff next to the ominous sea,
He stood on the rocky cliff next to me.
It turned 12 o’ clock, our watches blinked,
Together, hearts were passionately linked.

We went to the tip but then he stopped,
And he watched me fall toward the docks.
I was blinded by love and he was scared,
I was stupid thinking he had cared.
I missed the boats at the harbor’s docks,
But the waves crashed me against the rocks.

My blood flowed like a million teardrops,
My world was crushed as my heart slowly stopped.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007



The violent waves crashed against the rocks,
Moving boats were at the harbor’s docks.
He stood on the cliff above the big sea,
He stood on the cliff that was next to me.
It turned 12 o’ clock, our watches blinked,
We would be together, our hearts were linked.

We went to the tip but then he stopped,
And he watched me fall toward the docks.
I was blinded by love and he was scared,
I was stupid thinking he had cared.
I missed the boats at the harbor’s docks,
But the waves crashed me against the rocks.

My blood flowed like a million teardrops,
My world was crushed as my heart slowly stopped.